Friendlies. | |
Ayumu Ishii. | My wife. |
Ron O'Dor. | My dad counts fish with the Census of Marine Life. |
Steve Tannock. | Former french lit major, now a successful CTO for hire. |
Mark Dawson. | Makes fine furniture. |
Funnies. | |
xkcd. | Remarkable. A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language. |
Penny Arcade. | Video games and general straight shooters. |
The Perry Bible Fellowship. | Puts silly faces and boobies into the loops and kinks of comedic paradox. |
Order of the Stick. | Fantasy role playing oriented strip. |
Formatives. | |
New York Times. | The Times. |
Hacker News. | News for hackers. |
Slashdot. | News for nerds, stuff that matters. |
The Edge. | Interesting intellectual inquiry. |